Import Your ArcGIS Skills to FME

Enric Shen
1 min readJul 6, 2020

Introduction to FME for ArcGIS professionals

FME (Feature Manipulation Engine) is an amazing platform for spatial data transformation and integration. But esri ArcGIS professionals often confused with all the transformers when getting started in FME. They simply go back to their ArcGIS toolbox because they are more familiar with the esri geoprocessing tools.

I started compiling a reference table of the most common tools in ArcGIS toolbox and their counter part transformer names in FME when I started using FME 10 years ago. I find the table very useful for the beginner FME users.

Recently I turned my reference table into a searchable web tool. If you want to find out how to Add Join in FME, check out the site below.

I only listed the most commonly used tools on the site. For a complete list, you can find the official documentations for ArcGIS Analysis Tools and FME Transformers.

